Thursday, January 12, 2012

Every 11th

Babies are the most fun to shoot. They are energetic and have their own unique quality, but as anyone who has photographed babies will tell you, they are very UNPREDICTABLE. Selah gets her picture taken every 11th day of every month. She was born on 9/11 and from then on I document her month to month. Of course, there's a ton a pictures in between. With babies you have to come in real close to really get that special shot. I now focus a lot on the eyes and on her expressions. It also helps that Selah loves to get her picture taken. My friends baby, Scarlett was also born on an 11th day so she gets her picture taken too. It's a wonderful tradition we've started and a lot of fun for us as moms as well. We pick out their special photo shoot clothes and already have planned something spectacular for February. Come back and check them out.


Judy said...

OMG they are so beautiful! Man bel selah is like joel, remember as soon as you put a camera up he would smile!

Judy said...

OMG they are beautiful! Bel, Selah is just like Joel, remember when he was a baby and you would pick up a camera and that boy would smile!