Sunday, November 10, 2013

Just a sleep-over....part 1

My Joel and Sophia turned another year old this weekend. It's interesting to me how each of them are developing their own sense of style and their own unique taste...Joel wanted a sleep over with ONLY BOYS....he didn't want any crafty invitations, oh son made me send EVITES, I'm so ashamed...I'm not judging those who send those out, but anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to make invitations. An invitation really sets the anticipation for the my son wants a sleep balloons, no fancy decorations, not even a table cover...just his friends and cousins over....I didn't even take very many photos...7 to be exact and I barely got away with those....

 smores time...we do appreciate Tio Isa showing us the art of making smores

I'm just happy that my son was happy and that he's growing into a great boy with a good heart.

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