Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dr. Seuss Party

This party was the most fun of all the ones I have done so far. I love the colors and whimsical stripes that go with Dr. Seuss. I had this idea in my head and I must say that I was really excited how everything turned out. I had A LOT of help though; starting with the amazing art work which Isa (my brother-in-law) did,  what an awesome job and really brought the whole thing together. My sister helping me with her oh-so-needed directions and opinions (lol), then my friend Martha, with Sophia's outfit and just keeping me sane at times. I want to especially thank my wonderful husband, who puts up with my crazy ideas and tries to always fine a way to make it happen. All in all, my kiddos enjoyed their birthday party and really that is what makes this all worth while.

This was the overall set-up. Isa did the artwork directly on the garage door. Little Selah enjoying all the commotion. 

We needed a directional sign, of course!

 of course, Thing 1 and 2

I have the best kids! 

Center pieces, Fish (es) in a Pot

Pin Wheels!

Green Eggs

We planted our own seeds!

 Over 20 kids at the party!!!

Of course, mischievous Cat made an appearance

 Tio Israel did a great job with the piƱata!

Wonderful cake by Shelly Belly!

 This is gotta be one of my favorite moments, photobomber! lol


one big happy family! THANK YOU GOD :-)

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