Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Party #3: The Stilletto Party

and finally, my SURPRISE party...I was

totally shocked...I didn't have any idea...

or makeup for that matter...but I was totally

surprised, my poor hubby was just taking

all my abuse (I thought he wasn't going to

do anything) and he never said anything.

I am just truly blessed and grateful to everyone

who is in my life...thank y'all for loving me...
my cousin, Herbert came all the way from NY!

okay not really he was already coming... Look at all the kids in the stairs...I mean it's

like we're running a sweat shop!
My nephew Johnny and Kathy doing what

every fifteen year old is doing...TEXTING
My Joel...he must have been hiding a while

he looks sweaty!



Meggie gave me a shoe calender book! LOVE IT

My cousin Rachel, leopard pj's...

my Pastor gave me my white newsboy cap

and jewelry

Chayo gave me an Armani Exchange bag!

very chic!

Helen, two vases that go so well in my house...

she doesn't know it, but she's my decorator!

Herbert's FREE advertising here!

and he gave me a beautiful, leaf bowl

Pastor D' gave me a Nordstrom's gift card! YES!

My sisters...minus Meggie, taking the picture

My new peewee Herman bike my boo gave me

it's not at the Alamo!

my beautiful friend Lisa!

Lisa, me, Helen and DeAnn

I changed into my Party Blouse

My BOO! He's my trophy husband

Stiletto Cupcakes, YUM

My shoebox cake, courtesy of my SIL Lucy

Isa is in my picture!

check out Sofi! no fork needed!!!

My Mami

whoops, I cut the cake before the picture was taken


My Carlos Santana shoes Lisa gave me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The party was a success! I am happy that you were surprised...We do love you a lot and are thinking about you always!!!

liza aguilar